call 985-630-8674 or email for inquiries or for online purchases.

Past Exhibits:

Ebb & Flow Festival, Baton Rouge, LA. April 7th-8th, 2018.

Art From Art, Manifest Art Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. November 1oth-December 8th, 2017

Columbus Art Festival, Columbus, OH. June 11-13th, 2017.

Telfair Art Fair, Savannah, GA. November 11th-13th, 2016.

Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA. January 15th - February 28th, 2016.

Hudson D. Walker Gallery, Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA. from March 18th-23rd, 2016.

Listen to Orlando Montoya Interview Isaac McCaslin

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Art March: Art, Music, and Occugardens

The November 1st Art March was this past Friday. The rain cut down the attendance from Octobers Art March, however at the Drayton Arts Center the atmosphere was laid back and cozy. The event served its purpose of cultivating a creative community.  Occugardens set up a booth outside of Anahata Healing Arts  and Of Two Minds Art Studio. Occugardens is a group dedicated to revitalizing Savannah's community by  engaging local residents around community gardens. For their current project they will be transforming an empty lot on 39th in between Drayton and Abercorn St. into the Starland Districts Community Garden where education on organic gardening, nutrition, and cooking will be shared as well as delicious veggies. Anahata Healing Arts invited a traveling Musician to play guitar and sing during the event.  Inside Of Two Minds Art Studio the dialogue directed by Isaac McCaslin's series of works entitled "The Garden of Delightful Things" surrounded the subject of a culture of wastefulness.  Isaac McCaslin will be Exhibiting 4 drawings from the series at Savannah's Small Works Exhibition in the Gutstein Gallery  on 201 E. Broughton St. November 15th - December 31st. As the night drew in the rain provided a nice backdrop to the music and conversations circling around food, art, culture, and community.


Jared Seff Installation view 
Isaac McCaslin installation view 
Isaac McCaslin Installation view 
Isaac McCaslin Installation view
Isaac McCaslin, Garden of Delightful Things Sketch1, charcoal on paper,  14 x 22 in,  2013

Isaac McCaslin, Garden of Delightful Things Sketch 2, oil on canvas sheet, 12 x 9 in,  2013

Isaac McCaslin, Urban Foraging Sketch 4, oil on canvas sheet,  13 x 22 in,  2013

Isaac McCaslin, Procession of Glitches sketch1, oil on canvas sheet,  9 x 212 in,  2013

Isaac McCaslin, Urban Foraging Sketch 1, Ink jet and magazine collage with charcoal powder, pastel, qouache and UV fixative,  7.5 x 8.5 in, 2013
Isaac McCaslin, Urban Foraging Sketch 2 , Ink jet and magazine collage with charcoal powder, pastel, qouache and UV fixative,  7.5 x 8.5 in, 2013

Isaac McCaslin, Urban Foraging Sketch 3, collaged pastel pencil drawings with inkjet ground and UV fixative, 7.5 x 8.5 in, 2013

Isaac McCaslin, Garden Of Delightful Objects Sketch 1, collaged pastel pencil  and Charcoal powder drawings with inkjet ground and UV fixative, 15.5 x 12.5 in,  2013

Isaac McCaslin, Garden of Delightful Things Sketch 3, oil on canvas sheet,  16 x 20 in,  2013
Isaac McCaslin, Garden of Delightful Things Sketch 4, oil on canvas sheet,  15 x 22 in,  2013

Isaac McCaslin,  Music Box in a Trash Stack, charcoal powder on paper on canvas, 50 x 46 in.  2013
Isaac McCaslin installation view of sketches