call 985-630-8674 or email for inquiries or for online purchases.

Past Exhibits:

Ebb & Flow Festival, Baton Rouge, LA. April 7th-8th, 2018.

Art From Art, Manifest Art Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. November 1oth-December 8th, 2017

Columbus Art Festival, Columbus, OH. June 11-13th, 2017.

Telfair Art Fair, Savannah, GA. November 11th-13th, 2016.

Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA. January 15th - February 28th, 2016.

Hudson D. Walker Gallery, Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA. from March 18th-23rd, 2016.

Listen to Orlando Montoya Interview Isaac McCaslin

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Who is the Collector and What are the Fine Things?

59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show

Warden Family Foundation's Best in Painting Award

Contemporary Painter
Isaac McCaslin, Collector of Fine Things, 46 x 60 in, oil on canvas, 2014

 The Collector of Fine Things is a painting using beautiful and grotesque relationships to spark different ideas about materialism and value. I suggest the questions:  ‘Who is the collector?’ and ‘What are the fine things’ and  “Why are the things fine?” I spent a summer hitchhiking through California hanging out with the homeless, sleeping in parks, under bridges and in shelters, and these experiences subconsciously set the ground for this painting. Value itself is a priceless psychological possession, which a person of any standing—high or low in the social hierarchy—can project. My grandfather valued the possessions hidden in the cart depicted in this painting for reasons I may never know. However, now that he is dead the items hold value to me only insofar as I project on to them my grandfather’s consciousness. Even if, in the painting, I create a semblance of the value of his memory, the painting is only an impression of my sensation of self; it, too, will fade into dust long after I die.