call 985-630-8674 or email for inquiries or for online purchases.

Past Exhibits:

Ebb & Flow Festival, Baton Rouge, LA. April 7th-8th, 2018.

Art From Art, Manifest Art Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. November 1oth-December 8th, 2017

Columbus Art Festival, Columbus, OH. June 11-13th, 2017.

Telfair Art Fair, Savannah, GA. November 11th-13th, 2016.

Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA. January 15th - February 28th, 2016.

Hudson D. Walker Gallery, Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA. from March 18th-23rd, 2016.

Listen to Orlando Montoya Interview Isaac McCaslin

Monday, February 10, 2014

February First Friday Art March

Isaac McCaslin, Garden of  Delightful Objects Triptych, charcoal on paper on 3 canvases , 31 x 17 in. 2014
At Of Two Minds Art Studio February 7th 2014 Artists Isaac McCaslin and Jared Seff exhibited works, described their inspiration, and demonstrated painting and drawing techniques in conjunction with February's First Friday Art March.  McCaslin and Seff will also be opening their studio on March 7th for next months First Friday Art March.

Isaac McCaslin,  Installation View

Isaac McCaslin, Installation View

Isaac McCaslin, Garden of Delightful Things 1, charcoal on paper, 19 x 17 in, 2013

Isaac McCaslin, Music Box in a Trash Stack, charcoal on paper on canvas, 60 x 46 in. 2013