Dear Isaac McCaslin:
Congratulations! You have been awarded a 2015–2016 Visual Arts Fellowship at the Fine Arts Work Center.
The final jury for the 2015-2016 FAWC Visual Arts Program was held April 18th. The jury selected eight first-year Fellows and two second-year Fellows with five alternates.
The Final Jury was composed of the following individuals: Ellen Altfest, Barkley Hendricks and Jennifer Bornstein
Our mission is to provide you with time and space to pursue your work. The Fellowship carries only one obligation: you are required to be in residence at the Center for the full seven months. Any frequent or extended absences from the Center could result in the loss of your monthly stipend, or in extreme cases, your Fellowship. If you accept the Fellowship, we ask that you do not accept any other residencies during the seven months you are at the Fine Arts Work Center or any regular employment outside of Provincetown. We also expect that your activities will not interfere or impact negatively on the administration of programs or the work of other Fellows. The Fellowship provides you with a modest studio apartment, a private studio space and a monthly stipend of $750.
I look forward to talking with you in the near future.
James Everett Stanley
Visual Arts Coordinator
24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657